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Hi, I'm Deborah Modé!

Founder of Speech ER

Speech-Language Pathologist



This is my Story

I am a licensed speech-language pathologist, wife, and mom of 2 teenagers and dog, Tyson.

When my son was about 16 months old, I noticed he wasn't responding to his name, his eye contact was low, and he rocked back and forth while watching TV. As a speech-language pathologist, I saw the red flags but was praying that it wasn't what I thought it could be. However, his diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders was confirmed by a psychologist two months later.

My mind wandered aimlessly toward the future in a downward spiral. So many negative thoughts weaved in and out of my head, and tomorrow hadn't even happened. Finally, after going through my grief and self-pity, slapping myself back into reality, and lots of prayers, I decided to focus on what he needed most-his mother. I followed his developmental pediatrician's advice and other therapists (i.e., OT, PT, BCBA).

Currently, he is living life to its fullest. My son has taught me to be a better therapist and to live life one day at a time. I've turned my journey with my son into an opportunity to share different techniques/strategies I have used to teach specific skills. Furthermore, I have learned exponentially from my experience with the clients I serve. They are my colleagues teaching me every single day. They have taught me that every progress looks different from person to person.

What is your story?

How Speech ER Membership Can Help You


Speech is where parents/caregivers/therapists can learn about specific speech therapy techniques via videos, learn about the materials used during a speech session, and access different communication-related topics. Click here to learn more.